Dolly Parton: AI er skræmmende
Countrysangerinden Dolly Parton, som vi tidligere har skrevet rosende om her på siderne, er nu ude med en bredside mod kunstig intelligens: “Nobody wants to be duplicated. Everybody wants to feel the talent they have is theirs. I’m keeping my eye on AI” – ingen kan lide at blive kopieret, vores talenter er vores egne, siger hun til METRO.
“AI is a scary thing. I’m sure it’s a good thing for scientists or medical things. But when it comes to trying to duplicate a human being and every little thing they are, it don’t seem right to me. It’s too much. Even the people coming up with AI are scared by it. So I’m watching this carefully. I’m sure they’ll be able to do certain things with me and other artists. It’s one of the reasons why we’re having the big strikes here with the Actors’ Guild and Writers’ Guild”, fortsætter Dolly Parton, der henviser til de strejker som amerikanske manuskriptforfattere har kørt, blandt andet for at standse filmselskaber, der vil bruge AI til at skrive deres manuskripter.
Styrelsen er enig med Dolly Parton. Ingen har lyst til at blive kopieret.
Læs hele interviewet her: