One Mother’s Search for Balance, Reason, and Sanity in the Digital Age

Fanget på radaren: en mor til to skriver om hvordan man navigerer sine småbørn igennem det højteknologiske miljø som omgiver dem. Bogen, ifølge omtalen nedenfor, undersøger hvad digitalisering gør ved småbørn igennem samtaler med eksperter, akademikere, læger og tech-iværksættere. Hvis du læser den, og mener den er relevant for analogiseringsstyrelsen, så send os en mail!

There’s an app or device for nearly every aspect of parenting today: monitoring your baby; entertaining or educating your toddler; connecting with other new parents for tips, tricks, and community—virtually every aspect of daily life. But it isn’t a parenting paradise; the truth is much more complicated.

The mother of two young daughters, journalist Sophie Brickman wondered what living in a tech-saturated world was doing to her and her children. She turned to experts, academics, doctors, and innovators for advice and insight. Baby, Unplugged brings together Brickman’s in-depth research with her own candid (sometimes hilarious) personal experience to help parents sort through the wide and often confusing tech offerings available today and to sort out what’s helpful and what’s not.