The digital backlash

Jeg har bestilt bogen The Digital Backlash and the Paradoxes of Disconnection. Redaktørerne undersøger, hvordan folk søger autenticitet og tilpasser sig eller tager afstand fra det digitale, og udforsker både de negative konsekvenser af konstant opkobling og kreative bud på hvordan man genvinder kontrollen over digitale vaner. Bogen introducerer begrebet »digital backlash«, der handler om den voksende sociale og kulturelle bevægelse, der sætter spørgsmålstegn ved de digitale teknologiers gennemgribende indflydelse på det moderne liv. (min oversættelse/gendigtning af beskrivelsen på hjemmesiden på KU).

Her kan man læse introduktionen, gratis, om bl.a. “Techlash”‘et, digital disconnection, mediemodstand m.m.

What we in this volume call the “the digital backlash” covers a range of social and cultural practices of digital disconnection, as well as critiques of the impact of digital technologies and platforms in the world today. It thus includes a variety of overlapping and multifaceted changes and tendencies across societies, including digital disconnection, digital detox, the right to disconnect, media refusal, and what has been called “the techlash”. Hence, it can best be described as a kind of zeitgeist: a period in history in which the norms about digital behaviour, consumption, and habits are being questioned, and where the hype of the early digital era beginning in the 1990s is being challenged. In this introduction, we set the scene of the book by giving an overview of these tendencies and the history of digital critiques, servingto provide a framing for the chapters in the book.

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